Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Blog Conference 2013

Build Your Blog 2013
Here are a few of the friends I made at the Conference!
Amy Cowley from The Happy Scraps thehappyscraps.blogspot.com (Were actually cousins)

 Check out the Madness!!!!  So much Fun
The adorable Holly from: www.sisterssuitcaseblog.com

The Six Sisters from sixsistersstuff.com

The Beautiful Brooke Walker from Studio 5

Jonie Sumsion from Just-Between-Friends
So much fun! This is only a small handful of the Amazing women I met and can't wait to do something like this again.  Woot! Woot!


  1. Kim, It was so nice to meet you at the BYB conference! I'm finally getting a minute to read through your blog. I love your jewelry! I was in jewelry sales before deciding to quit my job and be home with my boys but I still love my jewelry. ;) I love staying in touch with moms of boys so I'll be following you on facebook and pinterest.

    1. Yes Kara it was so nice to meet you as well. You were absolutely adorable and I to am excited to follow you on Facebook and Pinterest. I am in the process of Moving really far away so my blogging is taking a back burner until I can get settled. Oh boy! what a process. Take care and hope to chat with you soon.

  2. Fun post!! It was so fun to see you and catch up with you! :)

    1. Oh yes Amy, it was a pleasure catching up with you. I love your Blog and think you are very talented. I am in the process of moving so my blogging is taking a back seat for awhile but hopefully I can get things up and running very soon.
