Bubble Necklace
Here is my version of those adorable Bubble Necklaces that keep popping up everywhere and in sooooo many fun colors.
Here are the Supplies you will need:
1-- I took my first bead and put a head pin through the hole and then bent the head pin 90 degrees. Bending it either right or left is fine -- just do the opposite on the bottom. I find it easier to work with the head pin this way.
2 -- I bent the bottom of the head pin the opposite direction again in the 90 degree angle so I could get ready to use my round nose plier to bend them back to form the round circle part.
3 -- By using the round nose pliers and bending the head pin back in the opposite direction you can see in the picture to the left I am using the cutting tool to clip off the excess piece to have a round circle.
So for example, in the picture above the headpin on the top portion is bent to the right so you take your round nose plier and clamp onto the headpin and you will bend it back to the left. That's how the circle part is formed.
Next I found the center of my chain and hooked the rounded piece inside one of the loops in the chain and then clamped the rounded headpin.
4 -- I took my next bead which in this case is the square foil bead and repeated steps 1, 2, & 3 but instead of clamping the bead to the chain I connected the bottom of my first bead with the second.
To add the dangling beads I took a small bead cap and slide it down the headpin and then slide down the bead so there stacked on top of each other. Then you push the headpin over into a 90 degree angle to make the rounded part to connect with the second bead. I also added a jump ring to give different lengths of the dangling beads.
Here you can see what the dangling pieces look like when there all put together.
Here is where I added the 4mm rondelle, then the medium headpin, then the bead and it all just slides down the head pin making it staked on top of each other.
Here is what it looks like after it is stacked on the head pin.
Again, I bent the head pin in a 90 degree angle and formed the rounded part to be connected to the chain.
So from the center of the chain I counted up 5 links and then hooked my next bead in and continued to make my way up the chain to a desired look. So in the center of the necklace is a long piece then a single bead followed on both sides and followed by another long piece until I got the look I wanted.
"Ta Da" The finished look!
My version of the "Bubble Necklace"
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